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Mindset & Motivation

Mar 28, 2022

Sometimes it can seem confusing and unfair how certain people can send negativity and criticism your way without even knowing you…
It’s happened to all of us, but that doesn’t make it right - especially when it is unprovoked and uncalled for…
But nevertheless, it will happen again in the future - The...

Mar 21, 2022

I know we talk mainly about healing the physical body, but often what is needed is a rewiring of our mind…
Believe it or not, we can actually begin to control the way we think, the thoughts we think (to a large degree), and the feelings we feel…
And once we begin to do this we can then take more...

Mar 14, 2022

I don’t necessarily agree with the old Eastern philosophy that life is a constant struggle that we must overcome, however, I do believe that we should find ways to ease our minds…
I’ve found in my practice that many people are in a perpetual cycle of struggle and unhappiness mainly due to just a small handful...

Mar 7, 2022

In this world, it seems difficult to find the middle ground and instead, the two prevailing philosophies are to either go all out in life 24/7 or look for the easiest way out whenever possible.
At least in the west, the constant grinding and pushing yourself to the limit has most certainly won out as the...