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Mindset & Motivation

Mar 26, 2018

I believe the idea of “bucket lists” has begun to take a turn for the worse and is becoming synonymous with focusing on your mortality…

Instead, I believe creating a bucket list should actually be viewed more as a motivational tool for visualizing how much more life you have to live!

And as a result, I recommend...

Mar 19, 2018

Have you ever found yourself in a downward cycle where everything seems to be going the wrong way…

During these times it’s easy to play the role of the victim and complain about our current circumstances…

We’ve all been there and we certainly feel justified in our complaints since after all we’ve got a lot...

Mar 12, 2018

Many people think happiness is elusive and that it’s not something they could possibly achieve for any sustainable amount of time…

I used to feel this same way until I began to use a simple system that all begins with realizing when you are at your best and feeling great…

What I’ve found now is that life isn’t...

Mar 5, 2018

There really is one BEST way for achieving your desired goals and stepping into the life you’ve envisioned for yourself.

It’s a 3 step system that has been passed down for thousands of years through oral and written teachings:

The 1st step is becoming crystal clear on exactly what you desire…

The 2nd step is now...