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Mindset & Motivation

Mar 26, 2017

Losing sight of what matters most to you in life can happen for 2 main reasons…

The first one is that you’re so caught up in your day-to-day activities, stresses, and ongoings that by the time you stop to breathe it’s already time to go to bed…

The second reason is that when we’re actually going after...

Mar 19, 2017

Before you ever get healthy, lose the weight, or enjoy the success in life you’ve been secretly wishing for, you must begin where every success story has ever started…

And that place resides in your mind. You can have the best plan, the greatest guru, or the most caring coach, but it is your belief system that will...

Mar 12, 2017

With goals come expectations. But, these expectations may or may not be based in reality…

For some reason we’ve been conditioned in our Western vision of reality that achieving our goals is supposed to be a straight forward shot to success…

The problem is that the real world isn’t set up this way, and as a...

Mar 5, 2017

Goals are a funny thing. We all have them and we want to strive for more out of life, but we don’t always want to do the work required to get there…

Part of it is that we can get too comfortable with where we are right now even if it’s not a good place. The reason is that it’s become routine and although not...