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Mindset & Motivation

Jun 27, 2016

Let’s face it, there are a thousand different ways you could begin to get well or lose weight…

Today, I show you how to choose the critical few that will lead to the greatest gains in the least amount of time.

For faster results, use the Peredo’s Principle, “The 80/20 Rule,” to finally figure out how to get...

Jun 17, 2016

There’s an old tired cliche that goes like this, “The only way you can fail, is if you give up…”

Although, I’m not a big fan of cliches there is a certain truth to this saying. However, the truth lies more in the fact that there are only so many variables and possibilities you can try before becoming...

Jun 13, 2016

Let’s face it, sometimes you just have a bad day or week (or month!) and just need a way to hit the reset button…

It’s happened to everyone, but starting over is often easier said than done. The tough part is that our bad habits have begun to set in and now it’s harder to break those patterns and adopt new ones...

Jun 6, 2016

t took me a decade to grasp this “philosophy,” and it’s not something you ever truly master…

Too often we find ourselves in a state of perfectionism, where we want everything to be perfect before we even get started – Or worse, sometimes we’re extremely hard on ourselves when we mess up on the path to...