Oct 28, 2019
An ancient Japanese longevity formula may just hold the highest truth when it comes to living a long and happy life…
The Okinawans believe that to live a long, enjoyable life one must find their “Ikigai…”
This means you need to come upon your “reason for being” or why you are here on this earth…
And the...
Oct 21, 2019
I really believe that much of the time we know what we need to do in order to achieve our goals…
The problem is that we feel limited by time, money, or energy…
That’s why developing a rock-solid mindset becomes crucial when it comes to living your best life…
So on today’s #CabralConcept 1354 I’m going to...
Oct 14, 2019
One of the hardest things to see with your own eyes is that many of us live our lives based on how we’re feeling at that moment…
This means that if for some reason we have reason to be happy, we’re happy. Or, if we have a reason to be sad, we’re sad… It seems out of our control?
The problem with this is that...
Oct 7, 2019
What could be better for productivity than a to-do list?
Well… the truth is that “to-do lists” only work if you keep yourself accountable for completing them.
And, the only way to actually check off everything you have on your to-do list is to make the time to get it all done.
But, where do you find that...