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Mindset & Motivation

Jul 27, 2020

We all have habits…

Some good. Some bad…

But its the repetition of a thought, feeling, or action that allows it to sink in…

The problem is that habits can be very hard to break unless you know which step to replace in the process…

For all the details tune in to today’s #CabralConcept 1634 to find out how to...

Jul 20, 2020

A couple of thousand years ago an analogy was created that perfectly summarized our human mind…

The Buddha, after deep contemplation in solitude, realized that our minds are filled with thoughts that simply jump like a monkey from one branch to another without ever stopping…

However, the goal, if we want to keep our...

Jul 13, 2020

I love being able to share some of the quotes, messages, and life’s work of the people that I’ve learned from…

One of those people is Jordan Peterson…His book, the 12 Rules of Life, helps provide the foundation for a strong mental awareness…

So on today’s #CabralConcept 1620 I’d like to share with you...

Jul 6, 2020

I must have wasted at least 10 years trying to reach “perfection” before even starting a project…

Now I don’t even know what perfection is…

All I know is that the longer you wait, the worse off you are…

That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 1613 I’d like to share with you why you must double your rate...