Apr 29, 2019
Much of how we feel has already been predetermined by what we believed would have or should have happened in our life…
When you step back and look at this fact it becomes easier to then begin to recognize how to change what you’re currently feeling in this moment in time – And how to change how you’ll feel in...
Apr 22, 2019
I’ve always been a big fan of the saying, “80% of life is just showing up…”
I take that phrase to mean that the reason most people don’t “win” or achieve their goals is simply that they don’t even bother playing the game in the first place…
One of the reasons is because sometimes your goals can seem...
Apr 15, 2019
In my DESTRESS Protocol, I dedicate 2 parts to addressing mindset – I feel it’s that important…
The reason for this is that no matter what ails you there is an answer – But, that doesn’t necessarily mean someone is ready to hear it…
And until you get your mind right, even if presented with the exact...
Apr 8, 2019
It’s hard enough to answer questions like, “what do you want out of life,” or “what is your passion or purpose…”
Apr 1, 2019
It’s highly unlikely you’ll ever hit a home run the first time you swing at a baseball…
We know it would be ridiculous to believe otherwise, but for some reason, we think we should be “hitting home runs” the first time we try other things in life…
And when we don’t hit it out of the park we can tend to...