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Mindset & Motivation

Oct 25, 2021

I got COVID…
I previously thought I had it at the very beginning of the pandemic, but that was before testing and so I couldn’t confirm it for sure…
Now after 2 separate and positive lab tests I know I got it.
And now that I’ve been through it and that I’m fully recovered I wanted to share with you...

Oct 18, 2021

I would love to be able to tell you that there is a silver bullet approach to living the easy life, but if I did I’d be lying to you…
I think deep down we all know this, but we hold out hope that there is a “one-day fix” or “magic pill” that we can use to create the life we want…

Oct 11, 2021

How deeply have you thought of your goals?
Meaning have you actually visualized what your life would be like if you actually do accomplish them?
Is it better?
Or is it worse? 
Doing that type of work now allows you to double down on what you really want out of life and work even harder to make it...

Oct 4, 2021

It’s difficult for most of us to wrap our heads around this concept:
The life we’re currently living is based on our most predominant thoughts, and therefore, if we want to live a different life and get different results we must change our way of thinking…
But how do you change your thinking?
That is the...