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Mindset & Motivation

Dec 31, 2018

Sometimes people get upset when someone says they’ve “changed…”

But, in my opinion, I’d be more upset if someone said I have remained the same…

I believe that true happiness comes from the pursuit of your potential, and therefore, if you’re still the same person a year later then you may not have...

Dec 24, 2018

As we are about to start the New Year and you begin to set your goals it’s extremely important that you look beyond the “what” you hope to achieve…

Although this is typically where we all start first it is also the main reason 90+% of people will never achieve their New Year’s resolution or goals…

Tune into...

Dec 10, 2018

I want 2019 and beyond to be different for you…

I want you to start focusing less on what you feel like you may be missing out on in the now and instead shift your thought process to envisioning what your life could become…

This is a fundamental rewiring of your mindset that will not only allow you to be much...

Dec 3, 2018

It may seem like a tall order asking for every day to turn out to be a good one, but I assure you that 99% of the time you can make it happen…

However, the only way to do that is by setting up a few simple “systems” throughout the day in order to make things go your way…

Remember nobody’s perfect, and that’s...