Aug 31, 2020
Often times I think many people believe that their happiness is dependent upon outside forces…
New research shows that some of our ability to be happy is actually hardwired through genetics…
However, what has also been shown is that there are other more controllable circumstances that can greatly increase...
Aug 24, 2020
Being able to independently assess your strengths and weaknesses is key to becoming who you were meant to be…
At some stage, this will likely involve a certain level of internal or external feedback…
This can be an amazing time of self-reflection if you allow it, but unfortunately many refuse…
That’s why on...
Aug 17, 2020
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing when you have enough…
But even when you feel your cup is already full, that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to grow…
It’s actually quite the opposite-Anyone who reaches that level understands that this is after all the essence of life itself…
That’s why on...
Aug 10, 2020
One of the worst things that could happen to a person is to get towards the end of their life and use these phrases:
If only…
I wish I had…
I can’t believe I didn’t…
The problem is that we often wait until it’s too late…
That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 1648 I’d like to go over how to live a life...
Aug 3, 2020
I used to believe that I would eventually reach a state where my mind and thinking would be “Zen” every waking moment…It wasn’t until later that I began to understand that there is no Zen without its opposite state…
However, the goal still should be to remain balanced in mind and body as much as...