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Mindset & Motivation

Aug 26, 2024

One of the key lessons I've learned over the years is that having a long to-do list won't help you achieve your goals…


We have a limited capacity to focus at any given time, and trying to tackle too much at once can lead to overwhelm or burnout. 


Today, I want to discuss how focusing on just one or two key tasks...

Aug 19, 2024

Everyone can heal, I truly believe that...
But not everyone is willing to take the steps needed to get there.
In my practice, after working with hundreds of thousands of clients, I've noticed a few common patterns that often determine whether someone will heal or not—and it all comes down to mindset.

Aug 12, 2024

Many of us give up on our hopes and dreams because past attempts didn’t work out…
Our ego tells us we made mistakes and we’re afraid of making more.
However, by viewing failure differently and recognizing that each choice brings us new knowledge, we can see how these experiences help us progress toward...

Aug 5, 2024

We've all experienced slumps—whether in relationships, work, or health…
You're not alone; it happens to everyone. 
However, once you recognize you're in a slump, it's important to take a step back, reevaluate, and start working towards getting back to normal.
So on today's #CabralConcept 3097, I...