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Mindset & Motivation

Dec 30, 2024

People are drawn to those who are confident and exude strength through specific behaviors…
And by understanding these actions, you can intentionally incorporate them into your life, begin to embody them, and ultimately become someone who is respected and has a strong character that others are naturally attracted...

Dec 23, 2024

Do you wake up feeling excited about the day ahead, or does it feel like you’re simply going through the motions?
If you’re experiencing burnout or a loss of passion in life, you’re not alone, and I want to help you uncover the reasons behind these feelings.
On today’s show, I’ll walk you through 5...

Dec 16, 2024

I believe that mastery is the ultimate goal in any endeavor.
I came across a quote recently, and I wanted to share it with you and dive deeper into why I think true success can only be achieved through mastery.
In today’s episode, I’ll discuss how you can pursue your dreams, why shortcuts don’t lead to...

Dec 9, 2024

People often say we all have the same 24 hours, but I don’t believe that to be true...


There are phases in life when you have more time and others when you have less and it’s important not to compare yourself to someone who may not have the same commitments or responsibilities as you do.


That said, I do believe...

Dec 2, 2024

Have you ever found yourself moving the “goal post?”
Meaning, as you make progress you sometimes feel the urge to do more or push harder beyond what your original goal was-
Ultimately, these actions and mindset can actually prevent us from ever fully reaching our goals or setting new ones…
So, on...